Stewardship 2024 Campaign
We give because we need to…but we all are at different places in our discipleship journey. We are excited to be prioritizing that journey at CUMC in 2025, and trust that we will see the hand of God at work in many ways in the upcoming years as a result of our vision and your generosity. The Giving Path shows how we move in our giving…from being a first-time giver to deciding to be an intentional giver by giving a designed percentage of our income to growing as a giver when we increase that percentage to becoming a tither, giving ten percent of our income to the church. Finally, we become an extravagant giver, going beyond the tithe, if that is what God calls us to do.
Offerings are those things we do beyond our regular giving to the church…they are the things we give to because our heart captures the vision of particular projects!
May you find joy in your giving this year as we live into our mission of growing disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world…one step at a time!

Intentional Giving Matters
Please return an Annual Giving Commitment Card
Your annual giving card reflects your intended support of the church’s ministry through 2025. We ask everyone to return a commitment card, even if you can only make a limited financial commitment at this time. You can always adjust your commitment, if your situation changes, by contacting the Church Office.
Your completed commitment card may be placed in the collection plate during worship services. Other options include mailing or dropping off at the church office.
If you have questions regarding this card, please contact the Church Office at 480-963-3360 or e-mail

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9